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Friday, December 3, 2010

Missing the doggies

I'm away for two weeks of doctoral study. Spike and Bella are hanging out with a "dog family" who has added them to their pack.

"My nieces LOVE them," said Ali, who is the pack leader. "Between the dogs and us, we found a personality for each. Our big dog is not child-friendly, but yours are. We chose "our own" dog and walked them on separate leashes. We had a fantastic time."

What fun! Bella our snuggler curls up in bed with Ali each night. Spike spent his first night sleeping at Ali's feet, the second walking around her bed, and the third happily sleeping back in his crate.

How thankful I am for good care, to have found a place of safety and companionship for the dogs. Spike's cold is abating. Both dogs are enjoying their walks each day and comfortable with Ali's family.

However, I admit how much I miss them. I can't wait to bring them back home with me. I especially miss their little black bodies bouncing (Bella) or trotting (Spike) behind me up the stairs and down the hall. Won't be long now!

Thanks, Ali. I appreciate you. (And of course, I'm so proud of our good doggies for their adjustment and healthy attitudes.)

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