We were drenched when we came in from our morning walk. I went around the block first, down the steep hill and back up and around. Nothing. "Do your duty! (PLEASE)" Nothing. So we kept going to the park a few blocks away.

We walked and walked on the field as the skies gushed - the equivalent of 2.5 miles in 3/4 hour. Luckily, Spike wore his black, fleece-lined coat and I had my raincoat and rubber waders. Below my coat hem, water dripped to soak my jeans. Spike's legs, head, tail... saturated. He refused to go potty, thought it was obvious he'd be going soon. When a dog ran by and Spike offered a fierce barking invitation, I seized the chance to go home. Within a half block, success at last. And then he left a second deposit a nicely manicured lawn. (Good thing I have lots of bags along.)

I picked him up and carried him down the gravel drive. No sense in totally wasting yesterday's bath! On the porch, I dried him off as best I could before we went inside. He started "the scoot" right away. flinging himself around the entry rug for about 3 minutes. I'm SO glad it's dark, patterned, and multi-colored, with all the dirt it gathers at the door!
By the time he was done, his tail, legs, and head were barely damp. "Good scoot, Spike!"
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